We are now drawing blood - New dietary intervention study on Velvet Cloud sheep's milk product begins

Researching The Benefits Of Sheep's Milk

Scientific research takes a very very long time. 

We've been involved with a team of scientists at the University Of Limerick for over five years now. Over this time they have been examining and working on our sheep's milk (and other milks). To date they have shown in a lab, that sheep's milk especially yogurt looks like it has potent cardioprotective effects.  In other words, helps prevent platelets from clogging arteries, which can cause heart disease.

Human Trials Start Now

So far the studies have only taken place in a lab, which is not enough to shout about to the general public and certainly ( because food labelling legislation is so stringent and rightly so) not enough for us to use in promoting our yogurt.

But now the team are ready to test on humans. It’s a project which is part-funded by Enterprise Ireland, ourselves, and the University of Limerick and ethically approved by Research Ethics Committee, in UL.

Volunteers needed for this dietary intervention study

At the moment the team is recruiting volunteers in the Limerick area. Half the volunteers will be given a placebo (dummy product) and half will be given a sheep's milk yogurt drink to take one a day for 28 days, blood tests will be taken before and after at intervals over the month. These tests will be be measuring several biomarkers related to cardiovascular risk.

So, if you know anyone in Limerick interested in science you can contact Ioannis.zabetakis@ul.ie.

In the meantime, we just wait and wait, but we are used to that. If you are interested in trying out our sheep's milk yogurt which we may one day be able to robustly proove has cardioprotective properties why not try a pot here https://velvetcloud.ie/products/free-sample-velvet-cloud-sheep-s-milk-yogurt-450g

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