Last week I posted a video of me ranting, (something I am known to do from time to time) and it got a huge reaction, so I am sharing my rant thoughts with you here. If you or someone in your house is under 40 years of age, it is very possible you have a plant based dairy alternative milk, or alternative yogurt or cheese product in your fridge. These plant based alternatives are mostly owned by huge international companies and they position and promote their products as good for you and good for the planet. If you live in Ireland I have to disagree fundamentally with this. If for some reason you need a cow dairy alternative you could try goats milk, sheep's milk or buffalo milk products, all containing a different protein to cows milk, all manufactured here in Ireland, all suiting many many people with cow dairy sensitivity. The plant soya, oat, and almond drinks are all made hundreds of miles away and flown or shipped into Ireland. They are all highly processed to extend their shelf life and so they taste in some way edible. I argue this cannot in any way be good for the planet or indeed good for your health.