It was the first of the last yesterday

First day of school

My baby junior shepherd started his first day of his last year of school yesterday and my heart is a bit sore.  Very soon in less than 400 days give or take, its probable that my nest will be totally empty and it will be just the two senior shepherds looking at each other during the week. I’m acutely aware that in a few more years we will be looking at each other 7 days out of 7 and only getting the occasional visit from junior shepherds ( and hopefully if they are blessed with them - their families).

Doing everything to survive a long healthy life

In the meantime I am doing everything in my power to survive to live a long healthy life to be here to enjoy it. And I do realise how very very lucky we are to have got this far, with four healthy shepherds.  Proud Mommy moment here, isn't my baby very handsome? Note he gritted his teeth through the whole process, but he knows it makes his Mommy happy, and as the baby of four he has cleverly learnt all the tricks to keep everyone happy and get away with murder.

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