Reopening Thank God They Are Back Training

Thank God we are back at underage training! It is with mixed emotions that I’ve started my ferrying of teenagers in and out and in and out to the various, soccer, rugby and Gaelic pitches. Absolutely delighted that they can finally meet their friends, finally start training again and finally get all of the health benefits that go with that.

All the young people in this house have struggled (and I have four!!). The two teenagers have missed an extremely important formative year of their lives, they were supposed to be having their first discos, first state exam, first parties, first work experience. The older two have been missing out on the college experience, spending 30 hours a week in front of a screen is not good for anyone, particularly a third level student.

As we start to re-open there is light at the end of the tunnel. The eldest shepherdess who has been a godsend all year in the lambing maternity ward, is off to do a term in a US University. While I will miss her like nothing on earth, I am delighted and excited for her. The eldest shepherd heads into his final year in college studying computer science. If it wasn’t for him, we might never have set up our online shop.


So as we head into a significant week of reopening, I am choosing to forecast the positive: The benefits of exercise, team training, and underage games will be obvious to us all.  The importance of nutrition and exercise message will spread further and benefit our business, and maybe just maybe this will be our year and Mayo will win the all-Ireland.

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