Spreading The Sheep's Milk Love

Barbeque Inspiration

The Barbecues were out this weekend, and we got some lovely ideas, from customers around the country:

  • Try stirring some pesto into our yogurt, its amazing as a salad dressing and perfect as a spread on wraps.
  • A little harissa (careful its spicy) stirred into Velvet Cloud is wonderful as a barbeque marinade or drizzled over your barbequed meats. Harissa is originally a Tunisian spice so gives a lovely North African flavour to dishes.
  • Sheep’s yogurt makes THE BEST flatbreads, and our favourite recipe is here. https://velvetcloud.ie/blogs/recipes/velvet-cloud-flat-breads
  • The flat bread go great with our Velvet Cloud creamy garlicky Tzatziki https://velvetcloud.ie/blogs/recipes/tagged/tzatziki

 Sheeps yogurt flat breads

The sheep milk love is spreading!!

This week (8th June 2021) in ALDI as part of their GROW With ALDI promotion, there are two sheep’s milk products!. Crème of The Crop Gelato have   a divine sheep’s milk yogurt Gelato, made with Velvet Cloud !  Chef Giselle's business produces zero waste Gelatos and sorbets made from surplus produce. Sometimes we have perfectly good yogurt which we can’t sell through our normal channels, because the best before date is too short. This usually comes about because a customer has cancelled a large order, or we have incorrectly forecasted demand. Thankfully it doesn’t happen that often, but it is fantastic to be able call Giselle and offer her this yogurt from which she makes her amazing Gelato. I would highly recommend grabbing a pot in Aldi and if they are sold out check out https://creamofthecropgelato.com/


Cream Of The Crop Sheep's Yogurt Gelato

Couple George and Hanna Finlay in Co Wicklow, make a delicious sheep’s milk Halloumi which is also available in ALDI this week, and is fab sliced fried and served warm in a salad.

So the momentum is slowly building, more and more people are realising the delicous flavlour of sheep's milk products coupled with the added nutritious benefits what is not to like. 


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