We've just had a great morning - Smiles all round



Petting a baby lamb

We were delighted to welcome the sixth-class students from our local national school to the farm this morning. They were able to cycle here and thankfully the rain stayed off so we could do the visit without getting wet.

Local children visit the farm


Pre pandemic we had been planning to set up a visitor experience, but to do that, you need to invest in facilities and staff to help set up and to welcome visitors. When everything closed last year the project was put on hold. We will definitely be revisiting it in the future, but like everything, it takes time and money and for now, we need to focus on serving the demand for yogurt and cheese. It was a wonderful reminder of what could be possible one day, and the children left us all smiling and with some great photos.

Children herding our milking ewes  Teacher with one of our milk lambs


Kids tasting sheep's milk  Local School Cycling home from the farm

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