Baked Eggs With Velvet Cloud Sheep's Milk Yogurt


Baked eggss with Velvet Cloud Sheep's Milk Yogurt

Serves 4 - 6


6 large free-range eggs

200g Velvet Cloud Sheep’s Milk Yogurt

1 tin tomatoes

1 tsp cayenne pepper

1 clove garlic crushed

Juice of 1 lemon

 Turkish Eggs With Velvet Cloud Sheep's Yogurt McHughs Bar Ennis

Extra filling suggestions (depending on likes and dislikes)

Cooked spinach,  diced chorizio, smoked salmon, cooked diced bacon bits..anything you like really



Pre heat the oven as high as it will go. Lightly grease ramekin dishes or a small baking dish with a little oil

Mix the sheep’s yogurt with salt, garlic and lemon juice

Sweat onion and olive oil in a frying pan. Add cayenne pepper and cumin and cook for 2 mins

Add tinned tomatoes and simmer for 5 mins

Pour tomatoe  and onion sauce into ramekins or baking dish season with salt and pepper

Dot the sheep’s yogurt mixture around the tomato and onion sauce

If adding fillings of choice this is the time to do it. I add the spinach (which I have wilted down on a separate pan) at this point. Some junior shepherds liked chorizo added onto their tomato mix, others like ham. If I am trying to sneak in extra veg I will have included a mix of red and yellow peppers which I blended earlier, and mixed into the tomato sauce.

Make an indent in the mixture with a large spoon then break the eggs into each indent and drizzle with a little olive oil

Put in over for 8 mins until whites are set but yolks still runny, if you like (we do of course!) for the last 2 minutes, sprinkle with grated Rockfield sheep’s cheese or a cheese of your choice.

Serve with crusty spread and fresh green salad leaves. And warning be careful this is dangerously hot if served straight from the oven so allow time to cool before serving !

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