Sheep’s Yogurt and Dukkah

Duqqa, du'ah, do'a, or dukkah is an Egyptian and Middle Eastern condiment consisting of a mixture of herbs, nuts, and spices.

This is a simple Yogurt dukkah, that works beautifully as a dip for vegetable sticks or flat breads, (we've a recipie for those too here ) as a sauce in a pitta, or drizzled over a salad. It brings serving homemade soup to a new level, as the mix of creamy yogurt and coarse nut sprinkle on top is superb.

Dukkah and sheep's yogurt on aubergine



50g blanched hazelnuts

1 tablespoon cumin seeds

1 tablespoon coriander seeds

1 tablespoon fennel seeds

2 tablespoon sesame seeds


If you don’t have hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, peanuts or cashews work just as well (according to the experts I found online)

If you prefer a nut free version I came across, some recipes with sunflower, pumpkin, cumin  coriander and sesame seeds


Mix all in a bowl, spread onto a baking tray and toast in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 10 mins or until everything looks toasted. Tip into a blender or food processer and give the mix a few pulses, you don’t want a smooth texture just lightly chopped.

Yogurt Dip

250g Velvet Cloud Sheep’s Yogurt

A squeeze of fresh lemon juiced

Table spoon extra virgin olive oil

Pinch of sea salt

Mix the yogurt, oil, salt and squeeze of lemon juice

Serve simply by sprinkling the dukkah on top of the yogurt.

Add yogurt mix and sprinkle with spicy dukkah on soup

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