I had a two over ripe bananas, so rather than waste, I mashed them with one egg, added three table spoons Velvet Cloud yogurt, 2 teaspoons of bread soda, a few drops vanilla essence, and then enough oatmeal to make the same consistency as our usual porridge bread recipe. Into muffin cases and topped with some frozen fruit. Baked at 150 C for approx 40 mins ( but keep an eye on them) They are so delicious, I love them warm with butter. As they have zero sugar and are high in fibre, they are the perfect healthy snack and keep you full for ages.
Throwing those berries that are about to get too ripe into a sandwich bag and freezing them, is another way to reduce food waste & you can then use them for this recipe or in a smoothie. They did stick to the bottom of the muffin cases so I might grease them a but next time, unless anyone has another tip?