An update after Storm Eowyn


Our power was finally restored in the middle of last week, but unfortunately, it went out again on Saturday morning. Thankfully, it’s back on now as I write this. We’re cautiously optimistic that things are back to normal, although our phone and internet connections are still a bit unreliable.

Stocks of Velvet Cloud live sheep's  yoghurt

Production has resumed, and we’ve started delivering to stores again. However, this disruption means that some stores may be temporarily out of stock of Velvet Cloud Yogurt. We hope this will only last a few days.

You can really help us by asking in-store if you notice it’s out of stock. This is important because:

  • Some stores rely on staff to manually reorder products.
  • Others rely on automated systems, which can be tricky. If the system sees no sales for a few days, it might assume there’s no demand and stop ordering the product altogether!

I wrote a blog post a couple of years ago explaining how these store ordering systems work (or, more accurately, don’t work). It’s called "Why So Many Small Businesses Fail." If you’re curious, click the link below to read more.  

If you’ve placed an order online, we are about a  week behind, plus add another few days delay on our milk orders, this is because we have to build up stocks again.

Finally thank you again for being so fabulous and understanding, we are very very sorry for the inconvenience.   Aisling


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