I’m doing lots of “lasts” at the moment


I am a bit melancholy at the moment because as you know, we’ve only one junior shepherd now left at home during the week, we’ve gone from  four to one in as many years, and for a Mammy that’s a lot! The last junior shepherd is learning to drive. My blonde baby is behind the wheel,  he’s only done two lessons but is very calm and collected and had zero problem with gear changes from the start (unlike a sister before him who shall remain nameless) . He’s now driving himself to the bus and home every morning (me beside him) and strangely I’m not hanging out of the coat hanger thing in terror. I was boasting about him yesterday in the kitchen, as you do about your baby shepherd, the subtext being he must have my genetics he’s so good ! But his father (like me trying to claim the credit) put it down to all the years he’s been driving on the farm with the quad and milking sheep!  There we are two old wans in the kitchen admiring our baby and trying to take credit for it, when he’s a fabulous young man all by himself and we only have him for another year and a half. God help you if you are still reading these newsletters in two years time I will be a basket case.

Happy hump day

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