I’m really proud tonight, - although I probably shouldn't be . A Story From Bord Bia Bloom

A story from Bord Bia Bloom

We asked you recently to vote on 3 tag  lines for a project which our yogurt would be involved in, this is the background to that request.

You may or may not know that as well as Velvet Cloud I have day job (I’ve a training business in marketing, sales and communications) one of my gigs is lecturing in marketing and sales in UCD.  At the moment one of the classes I teach is a Master’s class of engineers. I try to get them excited about the world of marketing and sales, and depending on how “engineery their mind sets are, this can sometimes be a challenge”

Velvet Cloud Yogurt Bowls

Half was through this term two of my students came to me after the class and asked me would I like to supply Velvet Cloud yogurt to them at Bloom. They have a food truck and a food trailer selling coffee, acai bowls, smoothies, and pastries. They bring these to festivals and events and also supply them for private catering events, at Bloom they wanted to introduce yogurt bowls too. We were of course delighted to supply another customer, and when I asked them was this a side hustle, they said no - the Master was a side hustle and the food truck was their main thing!!

The Gentle Alternative To Cow Dairy - Won!

Given  we weren’t attending Bloom with our products this year, we thought this might be a great chance to introduce our yogurt to more people.  We wanted to develop a label that would go onto the pots, so if people were enjoying a lovely yogurt bowl at Bloom , and then saw the brand and tag line it might convert some to buy again in the shops

The winning tag line was :

The Gentle Alternative To Cow Dairy - 45%,

although it was followed closely by

Your Tummy’s Alternative to Cow Dairy - 40%

 The Sustainable Alternative to Cow Dairy - 15%

I had a yogurt bowl today at Bord Bia Bloom in the glorious sunshine and it was fabulous. I also met up with the two lads for the obligatory photos , I’m writing this now going home on the train feeling really proud. Its pride about how fantastic, brave and motivated young people can be, of course there’s a bit of pride for our yogurt, but tonight its mostly pride for my engineers.

PS : If you are Bloom  this weekend the lads business is  The Naked Berry, located in the Barbecue area at the back , buy a yogurt bowl you will not be disappointed, and if anyone needs an introduction for private events I will be happy to put you in touch.


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