The French Retail Sheep Dairy Category Is Exploding

The French love good food but they also spend a lot of time looking after and paying attention to their gut or digestive health.

We were away last week for a few days. We stayed on the French German border in the Alsace region. One thing we always do when we are on  holiday is spend a few hours browsing the local supermarkets.  It was fantastic to see this time that the sheep dairy category is exploding. There are now lots of sheep yogurt brands as well as retailer own brands. The category is also growing, now with additional flavours, products like sheep dairy desserts and fromage frais. Many of you know that our time living in France was the inspiration for starting Velvet Cloud, so hopefully this is a sign of things to come in Ireland too.  I did a quick video about it here.

Aisling discusses how the French Sheep Dairy Category has developed

If you would like to be like the French and pay more attention to your gut health you could try our yogurt and avail of a free sample here

Or if you would like to read more about The Benefits Of Sheep's Milk have a look here

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