We are going through some long days and nights on the farm at the moment, so apologies I haven’t been sending my regular updates. Lambing began the very first days of the year and is already over half way through. Its an intense period of time where we want to keep an eye on Mummies and new arrivals to make sure none get into difficulty. The rota begins at 5 am with the first check of the morning, then another at 7 am, then someone is with them on the farm most of the day until about 6pm. At night we check again at 8pm, then 10pm and then a last check is around midnight. Depending on what you find when you check you might be out there assisting for 15 mins or for a few hours. So far it’s gone well, and our most junior of shepherd was a great help over the holidays volunteering to do the last 1 am shift as it coincided perfectly with his late night Xbox tournaments 😊 unfortunately this week back to school has put an end to all that!
In other news, last week we welcomed two chefs on a farm visit, Conor Halpenny Chef – The Square Dundalk and Euro toque Young Chef of the year 2017 and Donato Ascani – Chef from the Michelin star restaurant Glam in Venice . Conor is a great supporter of local Irish producers, and we were challenged to put our very rusty Italian to use when talking to Donato.