Recipe Ideas For Blackberries

Blackberry Season

Its blackberry season, here on the farm we are fortunate to be surrounded by bushes of them in the hedgerows. It also seems to have been an excellent season for these berries, which are full of phytonutrients, Vitamins A C and K and which are also  a great source of fibre. The photo below is my haul, from just one walk with the dogs, had I brought more bags, I’d have collected a lot more.

Given that it looks like I’m going to have a huge number of berries over the next few weeks I decided to do a search for different ideas on how to use them, as well as finding some nice ideas, I'll also answer the most commonly asked questions about this powerful, free and wild berry. 

Recipe Ideas For Blackberries

  • Fresh Blackberries: Serve blackberries fresh with the zest and juice of a lime and some chopped mint.
  • Frozen Yogurt: Swirl the berries with some honey into Velvet Cloud yogurt before you freeze it, approx. 30 mins into freezing stir the yogurt mixture, this helps prevent crystallisation, and will give you a creamier end product.
  • Sugar Free Blackberry Compote- simmer the berries gently with the juice of an orange, and a sprinkle of cinnamon, I like to also add a few cloves. This makes a delicious compote perfect poured over Velvet Cloud warm or cold. The compote will keep for 3 – 4 days in the fridge or freezes very well for a few months. And I’ve learnt that - a compote is lumpy; a coulis is when you purée your lumpy compote!
  • Blackberry and Apple Crumble, these two fruits seem to compliment each other perfectly.

If you collect blackberries I would love to hear what you do with them.

Blackberries Picked Yesterday


Can Blackberries Be Frozen? 

Yes you can easily freeze blackberries, the best is to freeze them flat in a single layer so they dont get all stuck together, but once they are frozen you can transfer them to plastic bags, and save space in the freezer. They work perfectly from frozen in our delicious Gluten Free Oatmeal Bake 

Are Blackberries Good For You? / Why Are Blackberries Good For You?

Yes! They’re full of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and manganese, they are also high in fiber, and may boost brain health.  They contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins which hold many anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties and may boost brain health. Antioxidants soak up free radicals in the body, which are responsible for chronic diseases

Blackberries or Blueberries Which Is Healthier?

Both berries are very good for you with some subtle differences. For example, blackberries contain more potassium and vitamin C while having lower carbohydrate  and sugar amounts, which means that blackberries are a better choice, especially for people with diabetes. On the other hand, blueberries are rich in vitamin B1, B2 and B6 which are good for skin, brain, as well as nervous system.

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