Sheep's Yogurt Baba Ganoush

Impress With Sheep's Yogurt Baba Ganoush

I am one of those people who often buy aubergines with great intentions of cooking them during the week, but by the time I think of them, it's too late, and I have to throw them out. However, this recipe I tried yesterday is perfect. It also helps me reduce food waste because it works perfectly fine, using those slightly wrinkly (about to go off aubergines) too.  It tastes so creamy and delicious its hard to believe it is also so healthy!

Baba ganoush is a smoky, rich, and creamy aubergine dip, and as well as being delicious, is very healthy, and will impress any guests you are having over for the long weekend.  Serve it with, pitta, tortilla chips, or vegetable sticks, and because you just throw everything into the blender you can't really go wrong! 

If you like a bit more spce and smokeyness up the smoked paprika, its also not one of those dishes that needs you to be perfectly precise with measuring out ingredients, another reason why I like it so much.

Ingredients Baba Ganoush


150 ml Velvet Cloud Sheep's Milk Yogurt

1 aubergine

Pinch Salt

2 cloves crushed garlic

Juice from half a lemon

Teaspoon smoked paprika

Tablespoon of tahini


Cut  the aubergine in half and cut some criss cross slits in the flesh, place flesh side up on a baking dish and drizzel with a little olive oil. 

Roast the aubergines for at least 45 mins in a 180 degree oven.

Allow the aubergine to cool until its safe to work with, then scoop out all the flesh from the aubergines, leaving the skin behind. Place this mixture in a blender with all the other ingredients and blizt. 

Chill in the fridge and serve with some roasted pine nuts, and a drizzel of olive oil. 

This works perfetly served with warm pitta, tortilla chips, or vegetable sticks. 


Sheeps Yogurt Baba Ganoush

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